
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month and a good time to learn about skin cancer and to understand just how serious this condition is. Each year over 5 million cases are diagnosed in the United States alone. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer.  There are different types of skin cancer:

With summer just around the corner, you may find yourself spending more time outside. One thing to do before leaving your house each day, not just during the summer months, is to apply sunblock. Sunscreen is extremely important in protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. It also aids in helping your skin from premature skin aging such as age spots and wrinkles. Also, seeing a dermatologist once a year can help in early detection of skin cancer. Prior to seeing a dermatologist, you can perform a self-exam and be prepared to show the doctor any unusual or changed moles or spots on your body. 

Sunblock is one way to help protect your skin, but there are other ways such as wearing a hat, a long sleeve shirt and pants, sunglasses, and staying in the shade. It is also key to reapply sunblock throughout the day, especially if you are in the water. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun cause most skin cancers. The UV rays are the strongest between 10 am to 4 pm, so during those hours, you want to make sure you protect yourself.  

By taking precautions, you are helping protect yourself and your family from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Make it a point to learn about skin cancer and how to help prevent it – this will allow you to go outside and enjoy the fresh air safely!

Since 1949, the month of May has been recognized as “Mental Health Month”. It was established to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder. At that time, many people didn’t talk about how they were feeling and suffered alone. Help wasn’t readily available due to the lack of knowledge about such illnesses. Over the decades, mental health doctors and researchers have learned about the many faces of mental illness and how to help those struggling.

Stats show that in 2019, nearly 50 million or 19.86% of adults in America experience a mental illness. (Source) The past two years of the pandemic resulted in a new level of stress and anxiety into our lives, creating a growing number of both adults and youth suffering from major depression. Read more

Mental Health Month was established in 1949 to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Mental health was never truly understood in early times, thus the reason people tried to hide their feelings and emotions so not to be judged and criticized by those around them. They didn’t have the tools and the knowledge to understand that mental health was an illness.

Times have changed and mental health is a conversation around the world with tools and treatment plans available to help those struggling with mental illness. Mental Health America (MHA) has the B4Stage4 Philosophy that everyone should take a moment to understand. The point is made that we do not wait years to treat cancer, diabetes, or other serious conditions and that when symptoms are first experienced, typically you are trying to get treatment right away. MHA notes that people should be paying attention to early warning signs of mental illness such as loss of sleep, feeling tired for no reason, feeling down or anxious, and other such symptoms. Read more

The month of May is Mental Health Month, and it is a good time to learn about mental health conditions and where to find treatment.

Living through the past two years of the pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of millions of Americans. We may notice a change in our own moods and emotions or recognize a change in our loved ones. Mental health encompasses our emotional and social well-being and ultimately effects how we feel, think and act daily. It can interrupt how we make decisions, perform at work, interact with others, and our ability to handle stress. Read more

Mental Health Month was established in 1949 to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Today, doctors and researchers have gained knowledge of the many layers of mental illness conditions and have developed different methods to help those suffering. Many of the conditions will not improve without the proper channel of help from a medical professional and with the help of family and friends.

The pandemic has taken a toll on people of all ages, but one age group of concern is young children. Many children are developing mental health conditions, and since they are young, it may be difficult for them to express their feelings. Knowing the symptoms of mental health conditions will help us to identify the issue(s) and seek out the right help: Read more

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Teaching Kids to Enjoy Exercise
  • Personal Trainers 101
  • UPDATE on Cancer – April is Cancer Awareness Month
  • Dealing with Loneliness
  • Defining Diet Culture
  • Understanding Eco-Friendly Labels

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • The Wonders of Walking
  • Coping with Post-COVID
  • Sleep Studies
  • Depression-Food Link
  • Vitamins on Your Plate
  • Q&A: What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
  • Eye Health and Safety Myths

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

The first step to understanding heart health is to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of a heart attack.

According to, the main sign of a heart attack is having discomfort in your chest, usually in the center, that can longer than a few minutes or the pain could come and go. The discomfort could be described as pressure or squeezing and can be painful. Some may feel pain or discomfort in their legs, arms, jaw, neck, or stomach. You may feel lightheaded or experience shortness of breath, cold sweat, or nausea.

Educating yourself on the symptoms of a heart attack may one day help yourself or a loved one. Know the signs and be ready to CALL 911.

February is American Heart Month when it is our call to action to make sure we make sure we take control of our heart health. Over the course of the month, we will provide educational tips and short articles on how to recognize when something isn’t feeling right with your heart, understanding blood pressure, how to reduce the risk heart disease and stroke, and the promotion of healthy habits.

Make it a point to educate yourself on heart health this month so you can start to take care of YOU. Here’s a stat that may make you start thinking about how important it is to take the necessary steps to have a reset of your daily food intake and activities: According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds and about 805,000 people have a heart attack every year.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Your Heart: Sleep on It
  • Heart Attack Recovery
  • Product Claims in the Food Aisles
  • Winter Warm-Ups
  • Making Sense of Scents

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.