
The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
  • Video game addiction?
  • Your Personal Exercise Plan
  • Jazz Up Your Breakfast
  • Ultra-Processed Foods and Long-Term Health

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • When to Get a Second Opinion
  • Protect Your Teeth
  • Exercise Guidelines
  • What is a diagnostic mammogram?
  • Plant-Based Proteins

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Lower Your Risk: Metabolic Syndrome
  • Study: Long COVID
  • Time-Restricted Eating: Heart Disease Risk
  • Ancient Grains, Modern Nutrition
  • Does Caffeine Cause Stress?

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

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In this podcast, we learn what inner peace is and how it is different for each of us. We all have different journeys in life, and inner peace means we accept our flaws – our strengths – and accept who we are as a unique individual. Self-awareness and managing our thoughts and emotions – to help us achieve a balanced state of mind. Taking the time to understand our feelings, to let go of anger and guilt, and acknowledging that life is full of uncertainty helps us to move forward and not get hung up on negative thought patterns. Staying away from negative self-talk, being kind to others, being kind to yourself, and making sure that you take time for yourself each day to focus on relaxation, meditation, or a walk outside all help contribute to your overall well-being.

This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal health or medical advice. CalCPA Health is not affiliated with Balancing Life Issues. The podcasts are provided by Balancing Life Issues to provide possible resources and helpful information.

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This podcast dives into understanding why we as humans are afraid of the unknown. The fear of something, whether a natural or social disaster, or a personal situation touches each of us, and we worry that this could knock us down. Change and uncertainty are a part of life, but we need to remember we can learn and grow from these experiences. This podcast helps us learn how to adapt to uncertainty and teaches us some tools on how to switch our thought process to a positive channel.

This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal health or medical advice. CalCPA Health is not affiliated with Balancing Life Issues. The podcasts are provided by Balancing Life Issues to provide possible resources and helpful information.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Prescription Weight Loss Drugs
  • Lessons in Relaxation
  • Beyond Counting Calories
  • Wildfire Watch

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Eat to Beat the Heat
  • Plant Foods to Help Prevent Illness
  • Budgeting For Couples
  • Dietitian’s Guide to Farmers Markets
  • Herbs and Spices Storage Tips

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are valuable for managing healthcare costs, offering tax advantages and long-term savings opportunities. As a health insurance broker in California, you can leverage HSAs to build relationships with qualified* Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and financial professionals (wealth management, advisors, financial institutions, etc.) who advise their clients on financial matters. Here is a guide on effectively selling HSAs to CPAs and financial professionals in California.

1. Understand the Benefits of HSAs
Just because a CPA or financial professional may have a strong understanding of finances and taxes does not mean they understand the full benefits of HSAs.
Before you approach these clients, ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of HSAs and the benefits they can provide:

*Tax Advantages: Contributions to HSAs are tax-deductible, grow tax-free, and can be withdrawn tax-free for qualified medical expenses. This means money can be earned (income), invested (investment returns), and used to pay expenses without ever being taxed.

*One way to look at the HSA tax advantage:
Example: An HSA subscriber in the 25% tax bracket is enrolled in a $2000 deductible qualified HDHP. Since they pay the deductible with pre-tax dollars, the $2000 deductible would be comparable to a $1500 non-HSA deductible plan. The tax-preferred effect (savings) continues beyond the deductible, all the way up to their out-of-pocket maximum. An $8,000 OOP max would behave like a $6,000 OOP max in a non-HSA plan.

*Cost Savings: HSAs are paired with qualified high-deductible health plans (HDHPs), which typically have lower premiums than comparable non-HSA plans.

*Tax-free Investment Returns: HSA funds can be invested, growing into a retirement nest egg similar to a 401K or IRA, except there are no Required Minimum Distributions, and you do not pay tax on the investment earnings when you use the money for qualified health care expenses.

*Flexibility and Ownership: The employee owns HSA funds and stays with them throughout their career (from job to job) and into retirement. There are no use-it-or-lose-it provisions like FSA’s.

Attract and Retain: HSAs have become a valuable tool in today’s tight labor market for employers to attract and retain talent. With no discrimination tests like 401K plans, employers easily add a valuable employee benefit to their benefits package.

Important Note: The tax effects mentioned above are federal taxes. California is one of only two states that do not recognize HSAs. Given this, the benefit from the federal tax effect is typically good enough to make the HSA math work for most companies and employees.

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The eMagazine dedicated to improving members’ well-being

  • Wellness Tourism
  • Pleasures of Pickleball
  • Strategies for Hot Weather
  • PTSD and COVID-19 connection?
  • MILK: Not Just From Cows
  • Wildfire Smoke
  • Getting Past Burnout

In each issue you will find information and inspiration to help you with your health and wellness goals.

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In our first podcast on mental health, we explore discussing mental health openly, both at home and in the workplace. We’ll tackle the common roadblocks, such as generational views that often lead to mental health issues being ignored or dismissed and the stigma that seeking help is a sign of weakness. Mental health challenges vary widely in severity, but all experiences are valid and deserve acknowledgment and support. This podcast will cover key strategies to encourage openness – just by listening to this podcast, you are taking the first step in helping start conversations and foster a supportive community.

This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal health or medical advice. CalCPA Health is not affiliated with Balancing Life Issues. The podcasts are provided by Balancing Life Issues to provide possible resources and helpful information.