Entries by CalCPA Health


Healthy Hint #37

Have you heard that you should stop exercising as you get older? Or that women shouldn’t do weight-training activities because they’ll get too muscular? These are both common fitness myths. The truth is that staying active is one of the best ways you can stay strong and fight aging. Plus, you can lower your risk […]


Healthy Hint #36

Americans have a taste for salt (or sodium), which plays a role in high blood pressure. Everyone, including kids, should reduce their sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams a day (about 1 teaspoon of salt). Adults age 51 and older, African Americans of any age, and individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic […]


Healthy Hint #35

Vegetables are light on calories, but packed with disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. Ideally, you should fill half your plate with them. And it’s easier than you think. To bulk up the vegetable content of your meals: Cook fresh or frozen vegetables in the microwave for a quick-and-easy dish. Be ahead of the game. Cut up […]


Healthy Hint #34

About one-third of Americans have high blood pressure, which raises your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don’t have high blood pressure, you can take steps to prevent it. These healthy habits can help you keep your blood pressure normal: Eating healthy foods and limiting salt and alcohol intake. Being physically active. Maintaining […]


Healthy Hint #33

Barbecuing in the great outdoors is fun, relaxing and brings people together. But it also means you have to be extra careful when you prepare food. Some studies suggest that eating food charred by high-heat techniques, such as barbecuing, grilling, frying and broiling, may raise your risk for cancer. To make sure your cookout stays […]


Healthy Hint #32

You can’t do much without healthy bones, joints and muscles. As you age, it’s especially important to protect your “moving parts” with aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises. These activities can slow the loss of bone density that makes you weaker and more likely to get hurt as you get older. They also lower your risk for […]


Healthy Hint #31

Getting motivated to work out on your own can be hard. But having friends join your activities makes them more fun! Exercising in groups has lots of great benefits. Two or more people can energize and support each other to keep moving. They can also help make fitness part of each other’s daily routine. Plus, […]


Healthy Hint #30

It’s easy to stray off the healthy eating path. When you don’t plan your meals, you’re more likely to go to a fast food drive-through or microwave a chicken pot pie. If your schedule makes it hard to find time for food shopping or cooking, try creating a weekly menu of healthy recipes you can […]