
Four years after the passage of the Affordable care Act (ACA) there is still great debate on the law’s outcomes. How many uninsured will enroll? Will ACA create doctor shortages? Will death panels ration medical care? And the trillion dollar question: will the cost of health insurance go up, down or stay about the same?

Stay tuned to read the full article in the June issue of the CalCPA Magazine.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is exceedingly vast. It deals with all aspects of the medical delivery system including insurance. Combine this with the numerous changes California is implementing and the result is tens of thousands of pages, comprising both federal and state regulations.

This book focuses on the key elements that affect California CPAs. Therefore, we will concentrate on those ACA regulations that are being adopted and implemented in California. And, while other states may have slightly different implementations, they will not be specifically addressed here.

Our intent is that you may use this book as a reference for the areas that are of particular interest to you, or those areas that expressly affect you. For example, if you are with a small firm and do not have any “large employer” clients, the large employer sections may be of less value to you than the information on small employers.

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Ron Lang, CEO of the California Society of CPAs Group Insurance Trust, discusses how health care reform has changed the face of health care plans by covering the following topics: plan designs and pricing, network options, California Health Benefit Exchange, current and future regulatory changes and what we can expect for 2015. (Video taken at CalCPA Education Foundation’s Health Care Conference on 4/29/2014).

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) drastically changes all the business rules and now many seem surprised at the displacement it is causing. Policy cancelations, and plan changes for 2014 are being widely reported in the individual and small group markets. While the ACA is providing access to coverage for folks with pre-existing conditions and premium subsidies to lower income levels; high percentages of the currently insured are being regulated into different benefit and rate structures. 

The ACA and California regulations that are primarily responsible for this displacement are: Read more

Health Care Reform