Tag Archive for: Telehealth

At the recent CalCPA Council meeting members asked about how the CPA population was fairing health wise in the COVID pandemic. Ron Lang C.E.O. of CalCPA Health told Council that based on the data from their population of approximately 800 firms, that we are fairing a bit better than the general population. This is to be expected because COVID 19 has affected older, non-working populations more. Mr. Lang stated that to date CalCPA Health has had no fatalities and he would post a data update on clips for all members – so here it is.

As of November 2, 2020, 10.2% of CalCPA Health’s population has received at least one COVID test, with 11.6% of those tests positive. That equates to 1.2% of the total population testing positive. About a quarter of the tests and confirmed cases are antibody tests. About 3.5% of the cases have required hospitalization.

Also, more 25% of CalCPA Health’s population has used some sort of telehealth/virtual doctor visit since the pandemic started, up from less than 1% prior.