Health affects everything: Your quality of life. Your emotional and mental well-being. Your relationships, work, and finances. Even what you do for fun.

So don’t take your health for granted. Spread a healthy living message to everyone you know. It’s not hard to do. You can ride your bike more and motivate others to do the same. Or start a community garden that gets your neighbors moving and socializing. Good health is contagious, and little choices can make a big impact.

More than 60% of your body is made of water, which you need to function. When you sweat, go to the bathroom or even breathe, you lose a lot of that water. And the best way to get it back is through food and drink.

How much water does the average healthy adult need in a day? There’s no one formula that fits every person, and it depends on things like your age, health, activity level and the climate you live in. But generally, men should drink about 13 cups (3 liters) and women about nine cups (2.2 liters) of water daily.