Updated April 29, 2021
We are aware that some of our CalCPA Health members have received a notice via email or mail from JND Legal Administration regarding a class action lawsuit filed against the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBS). CalCPA members who have been insured by BCBS directly may also have received the settlement notices.
The class action settlement results from a class action law that alleged anti-trust practices among various BCBS businesses. The notices direct recipients to file a claim to receive a portion of the settlement.
The notice(s) were sent out by the class action suit’s plaintiffs and CalCPA Health has not received or have any additional information to provide; other than what is posted on the settlement website at www.BCBSSettlement.com.
Following are a few key items:
- It appears that CalCPA Health or your employer cannot file a claim on behalf of individual members (or firms) as the settlement claim submission requires the members signature and other information that CalCPA Health or you employer may not have.
- For CalCPA Health members, we believe the “Health Plan Name” to use for the online claim form shown in the drop down as “Blue Cross of California d/b/a Anthem Blue Cross.”
- CalCPA members not enrolled with CalCPA Health should choose their specific BCBS carrier.
- There are many other non-required fields that we are unable to determine exactly what information they are asking for. The claim filing deadline shown on the settlement website is November 5, 2021. It may be that additional information will be communicated/posted as questions from the settlement participants arise.
- For CalCPA Health members, your health plan carrier is CalCPA Health (not Anthem). Anthem Blue Cross is our contracted preferred provider organization (PPO) and related claims services vendor. As such, CalCPA Health members may qualify to file a claim under the administrative service plans settlement category (also referred to in the materials as self-funded category). The applicable period for this category is September 2015 through October 2020.
- For other BCBS members (non-CalCPA Health), you would complete the forms according to your specific plan and carrier per the details shown on the settlement website. The applicable period for members who were insured by BCBS is February 2008 through October 2020.
- As noted in the settlement, it is each person’s responsibility to determine the tax consequences of any settlement amount received.
We are sorry that we do not have additional information or details to provide, but this information was recently sent out by the plaintiffs’ attorneys and CalCPA Health has not received any information directly from them.
Below is the contact information provided on the settlement website.
Blue Cross Blue Shield Agreement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91390
Seattle, WA 98111
Phone: (888) 681-1142
Email: info@BCBSsettlement.com
Website: www.BCBSSettlement.com